Metamask: Help please, React State is not changing, when trying to fetch account balance

Metamask: Help Please – React state not changing despite fetching account balance

As a Metamask user, you’re probably familiar with the importance of getting your account balance accurately. However, there may be cases where your state isn’t updated as expected. In this article, we’ll explore why and how to resolve the issue.

The Problem:

When trying to get an account balance in React, it’s common for the state object to not reflect changes made by the component. This can happen due to a number of reasons:

  • Initial state is frozen – When you first render your app, the initial state may be frozen, meaning updates aren’t applied.
  • State is being updated elsewhere – The fetchAccountBalance function may be updating another part of your codebase, causing a conflict.
  • async/await not implemented: If you are using an older version of React or ES6 syntax, you may need to use async/await to handle promises.

The solution:

To solve this problem, we will focus on the following steps:

  • Use useState correctly: Make sure your component uses useState to manage its state.
  • Implement async/await

    : Update your code to use async/await to fetch account balance data.

  • Avoid updating state directly: Instead of updating state immediately, let the fetchAccountBalance function handle updates.

Code example:

Metamask: Help please, React State is not changing, when trying to fetch account balance

Here is a simple example to illustrate these points:

import React, { useState } from 'react';

import { Metamask } from '@metamask-connect';

const Account = () => {

const [balance, setBalance] = useState(0);

const handleFetchAccountBalance = async () => {

try {

const response = await fetchAccountBalance();

const balanceData = await response.json();

// Update the status with the new balance


} catch (error) {




return (

Account balance: {balance}



export defaultAccount;

In this example:

  • We use useState to manage our state (balance) and initialize it with a value of 0.
  • The fetchAccountBalance function is an asynchronous function that uses await for promises. When called, it fetches the account balance data from Metamask using the response.json() method and updates the setBalance function to reflect the new balance.
  • We do not update the state directly within this component; instead, we use async/await to handle updates.


If you follow these steps and understand why your React component might not be updating its state correctly, you should be able to resolve the issue with fetching account balances. Always remember to use useState correctly, implement async/await, and avoid updating state directly within your components. If you are still having trouble, feel free to provide more context or code for further assistance.

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