Analysis of technical indicators for avalanche trading (AVAX)
Avalanche (AVAX) is a popular currency curine that has been getting attracted in recent months. . In this article,
** What are the technical indicators?
Technical indicators are numerical values or patterns that the software program uses to analyze data and prediction of future market movements. These indicators help retailers and investors to understand property behavior such as AVAX, identify potential trends and predict prices fluctuations.
Indicators used in the avalaca store (AVAX)
In this article,
- Movable average (ma) : ma helps smooth out fluctuations of prices and identify trends.
- Relative strength index (RSI) :
- Bollinger bands :
- Storytelling oscillator (Stoch) :
Avalanche (AVAX) Technical indicators
Below are some technical indicators related to an avalanche (Avax):
moving the average
* The short-term ma (7-day) : 145.21
* Long-term ma (14-day) : 154.89
* 50-day ma : 163.46
A seven-day exit suggests a strong increase, while the 50-day Ma indicates that the market has been up there for some time.
Relative power index (RSI)
* RSI (14): 49.22
* RSI (28): 42.55
RSI is below its average, indicating excessive
Bollinger bands
* Upper Band : 163,46 + 12,8 = $ 176.26
* Lower Band : 145.21 – 12.8 = 132,42 USD
The upper belt is above the price action, which is saturated that Avax can be a consequence of a correction or a turnaround.
Storytelling oscillator (Stoch)
*%k (14): 49.22
*%D (28): 42.55
Stoch is below its billing, indicating an exceeding
Ichimoku cloud
* High low range : 143.50 to $ 153.25
* Low High range : $ 130.75 $ 146.35
* KAMA Index
: 46.12 (presented)
* Chikou Span average : 144.21 (preserved)
Ichimok cloud indicates an exceeding
Avalancing trading (AVAX) requires a combination of technical indicators and a basic analysis to make informed decisions. Index, Bollinger belts, stomach oscillator and ichimoku cloud, traders can recognize potential trends, overblown conditions and a correction area or turnaround.
Keep in mind that no indicator is 100% reliable, and each chart requires a careful interpretation. Feelings and economic indicators when trading Avax.
additional resources
Avalanche (AVAX), you can explore the following resources:
- Investopedia: [Technical indicators] (https: // www.
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