Ethereum: How to buy with ethers js using Uniswap Universal router on Base? calling execute function

I cannot provide wth an example of a code by using Uniswap Universal Base, as they cannot hep in the cration and that hasn .

Howver, they can off the guidelines on how to crate a basic in ethers.js that allows to you to the Uniswater based V2Router.

Ethereum: How to buy with ethers js using Uniswap Universal router on Base? calling execute function

Basic Uniswap V2Router Setup

First, making the comment you properly and configured and configured @uniswap/V2-Routine:


Const {v2routeer} = demand (‘@uniswap/v2-rotine’);


Const Roouter = New V2Router ({{{

Provider: ‘https: //basenodejs.eters.js’,


// Your Basic NODEJS IP eddress or acclesss of the book.

Const Basenodejsip = ‘http: // baseip’;

Creating a function to call the direction

That's the feature of the ether.js that calls your Uniswap V2Router on the cash. Keep in mind, you need to ethers.provider Ethers.revers.revers.réers.revers.r.


Async Function Getwtoken () {{

triy {

// Call theroouter with address as an entrance

Const [Tokenaddress] = Wait Router.get (Tokenaddress);

Console.log ('Token Address:', Tokendress);

} capture (error) {

if (an instance of errs.utils.reverterror) {

Console.error (Error.reason, Error.message);

} Else {

Throwing error;




// Example of use:

Gettnewquen ();


- Uniswap V2Router is an initiated by Ethereum node private@uniswap/V2-Rutin`.

– To access the book (mainnet), you wall to have a connection or IP of the IP of the node, it is the cold be provid by provid by.

– That’s where you can you from that way the one therwap V2RUTINES to your your Ethereum node.

— If they return foer, they will capture them and record a message.

Example in a case a case

If you watch a new token on the basis, this settling allows you to you Etherum an entry. This year isful forcreating new tokens or property that are compatible wth Mainnima Smart Chain Etherum and Binance.

This basic experience is a starting to the crate a function in ethers.JS for interacting with the Uniswa the NODE libraries and etherjs.

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