Solana: Problem with Serializing anchoring – String Serialized for a huge length with Metaplex Datav2
As a developer that builds decentralized applications in salt, it often happens that problems with serialization and dessionization. One of such problems, which causes problems for many programmers, is the problem of “Kotwica serialization”, in which the type “string” is served at an extremely large length.
In this article, we will immerse ourselves in the details of the problem and examine possible solutions.
What’s going on:
When you try to serve the draft in salt with the “gold” method .to_string (), the resulting string is huge. This can cause problems when used as input arguments for various operations in the Anchor network.
For example, if you are trying to create a new agreement with a “input” field of the “” type “sequence, using a series of” gold “.to_string ()will cause too much contract to match too large to match the blockchain. This can lead to errors and inconsistencies when starting tests or interaction with the network.
The problem results from the method of representing the strings in the storage of Solana data. The type “string” is coded in binary format, which causes a series of length. However, this does not take into account the costs of storing and sending the sequence itself.
When you try to serve the string using the “gold” method .To_string (), the Solana Data Storage System transforms the string into bytes (e.g. UTF-8), and then codes in binary format. This process adds a significant cost to the serialized length.
To solve this problem, you can use one of the following approaches:
- Use a library that supports lines of variable length: libraries such as ‘Cord’ Lub ‘Gada_json’ on the subject of variables encoding Rusta, using their appropriate serialization formats (e.g. Json with Keys). You can use these libraries for coding of data data and then decode them using the appropriate API interface.
Sample code:
To illustrate this solution, let’s assume that we have a simple contract that requires an input sequence:
“ Rust
Use Solana_program :: {
Conct_info :: {next_account_info, conctinfo},
ENTENTPOINT :: Programsult,
program_error :: printprogrammerror,
Pubkey :: Pubkey,
#[Deive (accounts)]
Pub Struct Createcontract {
Pub sender: Accountinfo
Pub Contract_info: Bill
pub program_manager: programaccount <'static>,
Pubic metadata: metadata,
Impreatecontract {
Pub FN do (I Self) -> ProgramSulsult {
Let args = [
& Self.Sender,
Next_account_info (self.contract_info.borrow (). Args),
self.program_manager.key (),
self.metadata.key (),
// Serialize input arguments
Let Serlials_Ags: Vec
.iter ()
.map (| arg | arg .to_string ()
// Store served arguments in the database or file system
Let (ID, Mut DB) = self.db :: load_or_create_account (
And [
Pubkey :: from_str (“gold”). TO_VEC (),
Next_account_info (self.contract_info.borrow (). Args) .to_vec (),
self.program_manager.key (). TO_VEC (),
self.metadata.key ().
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