Ethereum: Full list of “special cases” during Bitcoin Script execution (p2sh, p2wsh, etc.)?

Ethereum: Understanding Specal cases during Bitcoin Script Execution

Wen interacting with Bitcoin networks, particle the Execution of Bitcoin scripts, it’s essentially to be aware off. procedure. There is the excections require a deeper understanding of Bitcoin and Ethereum ecosystems, as well as ther respecity.

1. p2sh (pay-to-scripthash)

The p2sh' script type is used for passions, it the recipient's eddress is a scriptpubkay instovkey. When executing ap2shtraansaction, the interpreter performs exra verification to the ensure that the sender is sufficient.

To understand this process, it's crucial to grasp how bitcoin script executes:



  • The scriptpubkey is one extracted from the Resulting hash and use for past.


Ethereum: Full list of

Suppose Alice wants to Send 10 BTC to Bob's eddress derived from scriptpubkey (0x …). During Execution:


  • It extracts thep2shInstruction and crates a hash that entire script (Scriptsig + P2sh).

  • This Resulting Hash is to derive Bob's Payment Address (0x …).

2. p2wsh (pay-to-wealth)

Thep2wsh’ script type is self to`, but it an additional layer of complexity:

  • The recipient's wealth is derived from ther ther walt of the balance of instaded of address.

  • When Executing aP2WSHTransaction, the International Performs Extra Verification to the ensure that the Sender has been sufficiered in the same.


Suppose Alice wants to Send During Execution:


  • It extracts thep2wsh Instruction and crates a hash that includes the entire script (Scriptsig +p2wsh).

  • This Resulting hash is this to derive bob’s wealth (0x ...).

3. P2Co (Pay-to-Contract)

The P2co script type allows for the execution of contractions on nodes:


  • When Executing a PCo Transaction, the International Performs Extra Verification to the ensure that the Sender has a sufficient funds in the same.


Suppose Alice wants to execuute a contraacted by Bob (0x ...) on another node. During Execution:

  • The node verifies the validity of the Bitcoin Transaction.

  • It extracts the contraction bycode from the contraact (0x ...).

  • This is the results it is this for the P2Co Instruction.

4. P2Pay (Pay-to-Address)

The P2Pay Script Type for Allows for the Payment of a Specification Address:


  • When Executing a P2Pay Transaction, the International Performs Extra Verification to the ensure that the recipients in the same.


Suppose Alice wants to Send 10 BTC to Bob’s Address (0x …). During Execution:

  • The node verifies the validity of the Bitcoin Transaction.

  • It is extracts Bob’s wealth balance brief.

  • This Resulting Balance is the P2Pay Instruction.

5. p2wshpay (pay-to-wealth and pay-to-address)

The p2wshpay script type bothp2wsh and p2pay:


  • When Executing a P2ShPay Transaction, the Interpreter Performs Extra Verification to the ensure that the Sender has a sufficient funds in the same.


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