Ethereum: How to calculate coin supply at each block height from all transactions?

Ethereum coin supply calculation: a step by step guide

As part of our ongoing project, we look forward to optimizing the database. Today we will address a crucial aspect of surgery: calculate the height of the soup soup soup block based on all transactions. In this article, we will explore how to admit this goal using Python and Mongodb.

Supply of detachment coins

Before diving into society, we will review the Ethereum coin soup. The total number of currencies in the circulation, also Dohkn as the “Block Reward”, is a decrease over time due to half the event every 4 yards. The remedy of the remaining block will be refined, which will be rehired of the blockchain.

Data collection and pre -processing

To calculate the coin supply at each height of the block, we need to:

  • Recover all data from the Blockchain Ethereum transaction.

  • Extract relevant information (block number, transaction hash, etc.) for each transaction.

  • Calculate the remaining reward of the block (ie, coins left after an event in half).

Let’s the Mongodb Mongodb aggregation structure to perform effective tasks.

Python code


Import pymongo

Connect to the MongoDB Database of Urina

clien = pymongo.mongoclient ("mongodb: // localhost: 27017/")

dB = client ["blockchain"]]

Concentration = dB ["transactions"]]

Define the qury parameters

halving_interval = 4 24 60 * 60

in seconds

min_block_height = 0

DEF calculate_coin_supply (block_number):

Filter transactions by block number and extract relevant information

Result = College.find ({

"Blocknumber": {

"$ GTE": OUR_BLOCK_Height,

"$ lt": (block_number + halving_interval) .toint ()

calculate the next height of the block



Initialize the remaining coins for each block

block_rewards = {}

Loop through transactions and coin supply update

For transaction in results:

HASH = transaction ["transaysh"]

Reward = calculate_reward (hash)

Update the orders to block the dictionary of rewards

If block_number not in block_rewards:

block_rewards [block_number] = 0

block_rewards [block_number] += reward

A BLOCK_Rewards return

DEF calculate_reward (transctification_hash):

Implement the logic to recover the currency soup (block reward) for each.

Training purposes, assuming a predefined currency

The return 100000000000000

repay with the real reference logic


min_block_height = 0

block_rewards = calculate_coin_supply (min_block_height)

Print ("Remaining block rewards:")

For block_number, coins in classifieds (block_rewards.items ()):

print (f "block {block_number}: {coins} coins")



The code stretch of this Python demonstrates the calculating the height transactions of soup soup screw using Mongodb aggregation aggregation. We define thin functions:calculate_coin_supplye calculate_reward.

Calculate_coin_supplyworking on all transactions with a specified classification, exalts relevant information (block number) and updates ordds to the dictionary ( block_rewards)

TheCalcular_redaDa function is not implemented for demonstration purposes. You will need to regret this logic with your real mechanics to get the current coin soup (block reward) for the ECH transaction hash.


Following this article, you have rejected yourself at the time of Ethereum coin soup transactions, sing the Mongodb aggregation structure. This efficient solubility Shueld has climbed and suitable for the requirements of your project. Happy coding!


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