Bitcoin: What if someone locks some bitcoin with a script which only requires a user to know a preimage, but it matches the p2sh template? [duplicate]

The potential vulnerability in lightning network htlcs

Network (LN) Transactions, the security and reliability of these systems have become increasingly important topics of discussion. One aspect that has sparked curiosity is how to create a trusted execution environment for Lightning Network Transactions using the hash-pubkey script template (P2SH), also knows as htlcs.

However, there’s a potential workness in this setup that could complete the security of these transactions. Bitcoin with a script that only requires a primage but matches the P2sh template.

The Basics of Hash-Haddress-Pubkey Script Template (P2SH)

Before diving into the potential vulnerability, let’s quickly review how htlcs work. “Lock” bitcoin by creating a script that includes a public key and a hash of a certain value. This public

The HTLC output uses the P2SH Template, which provides a secure way to transfer Bitcoin from one wallet to another. The Basic Syntax of the P2SH Template is as follows:
