Ethereum: Does Integration-Testing can be done in local blockchain using Hardhat?

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Name: Integration test in a local blockchain using Hardhat?


As developers, we often encounter the need to integrate third part libraries into our projects. The common approach is to use integration tests to check if these libraries are working properly with other components of our project. In this article, we will look at whether it is possible to conduct integration tests in a local blockchain using Hardhat and what you can expect from the process.


Hardhat is an open source tool to create Ethereum’s intelligent contracts. This allows developers to automate the placement of buildings and contracts on the Ethereum network. One of its main features is the ability to perform tests in a virtual environment known as “blockchain”, which is isolated from the production blockchain.

By checking the integration scenarios between the local blockchain using Hardhat, you can use this feature for your advantage. However, it is important to understand the boundaries and requirements of this approach.


To perform integration tests in a local blockchain using Hardhat, you will need:

  • Local Ethereum Node (such as a truffle node) that works in your machine.

  • The Hardhat project with a “sub -model” containing a third party agreement.

  • The third part of the contract to be integrated into the project Hardhat.

Integration test Hardhat:

Here’s how to perform integration tests using Hardhat:

  • Create a new Hardhat project and add a “sub -module” to your node_module /directory with a third party contract.

  • Configure your Hardhat project to use the local node by defining the property "Network" at Hardhat.config.JS ". For example:



"Network": {

"Name": "Development",

"HOST": "",

"Port": 8545,

"Timeoutssees": 30




3 in the verification file (eg SRC / Test.JS), you can use the "GetContractinstance ()" to recover the contract for the local node:


Const {GetContractinstance} = to ask ('Hardhat');

Async mytest () function {

Const Agreement = Wait for GetContractinstance ("Your Contract Name");

// Use the Agreement here ...


` ‘

  • Perform your integration tests such as calling functions or alternating updates in the contract.

Challenges and Limitations:

Although integration with a local blockchain through Hardhat is possible, it is important to be aware of the following challenges:

* Memory Restrictions

: The local node has limited memory that can affect performance and scalability. You may need to optimize the code to ensure efficient use of resources.

* Collaboration Problems : When you work with third party contracts, you may face compatibility problems between different blockchain or versions of networks. In these cases, you will need to look for solutions and introduce solutions.

* Security : Just like any project based on Ethereum, security is an absolute priority. Be careful when entering a third part of the library as they can introduce security vulnerabilities.


Performing integration tests in a local blockchain using a hardhat can be a valuable tool in your developer’s tool box. By taking the actions described above and aware of the problems and restrictions involved, you can successfully integrate into a third party contracts on the local Ethereum network. However, it is important to carefully evaluate the requirements of each project before implementing this approach.

I hope this article helps! Notify me if you have any questions or if you need additional explanations.



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