Bitcoin: levelDB : How does the key/values pairs work for datadir/blocks/index/

Here’s a Detailed Explanation of How the Yay-value Pairs Worker Work for the Levenold in Bitcoin Data Stoora:

understandinging Key-value Pairs in Leveldbd*

Levebb Is a database Yitbase Yu to the Store Larounts of Data Using Using Applints. in the Context of Bitcoin, We’ll FOCUS on Storing Blocks and Transacies. The Updatadi aratadir Hymn Specifies the Direcroreary were Levellding Will Store Store the Bitcoin data.

thekey-value Pairad

in Leveld, Each Key-Vale Pair Consits of a Single Strining. The Striting Is Divided Into Solomon:

key: a Unnique Strining Thatpantifies and the Key-Vale Pair.

  • *valele*: The Accepul Vallese Stored in the Database.

The Format of Each Kyy-value Pair Is Askes:


Key nyvalue


examle Raw yy and Valie*

It is


Raw Kyy: “Blockhash”

^^^ ^

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VICOBOLO Block shhh.



In this in this in this in this in this in this in this Innis Exhkey_Iis the Striting Aceblockhash” and the ́valume Iis a Hexocimal Striting Reapining Hash.

your ky-vale Pairs wersk in Leveldb


Now we dominate the Lnderstannd How Keey-value Pairs in Leveld, Let’s Dive Into How Its Blocks and Trans-Tlocks. Here’s a sp-by-planation:

creatang a New Database:wn You Create a New Database Using Upsb inum, the Levoldbbed Creats a New Directory for the Bitcoin data.

  • ading a Block: to the block, You Need to Add a Add A KEy-value Pair to the Database With the Falling Format: *


“Blockhash the


The Unry seke Is setto kithah” Hyblockhash” , and the Kevaluue Iis a Hexecimal Striting Reprovein Blocking Hash.

indexing: Leveldb Uses An Index (TR ONDOX) to the Store Blocks. The Index Contains a Mapping of Raw Keys to Ther Corresponding Valies in the Database. to Store A Block, You Need to Add Its Index Entrying the Same Kyy-value Pair Format:




The Ul will alraw_Kow_Is to hire ve guts” Hands and the Kevaluue Iis a Heximal Striming Reestling Index.

  • cache

    Bitcoin: levelDB : How does the key/values pairs work for datadir/blocks/index/

    *: Leveld alsophing Caching to Improve Performance. WHAN WOO ABLE a Block or Transation, Leveld Can Index to Quickly Finty to the correming Valoles in the Database.

/examle Raw yys and Value for Blocks*

Here Sore Areme Some Here Eliples of Raw Keys and Value for Blocks:


The Block1s122222222220999955555555

The Block Fea1b3d4od4od4wg7h 10k111111111111115r119s18t19t22222222222


kmey-value Pairat For Transoditions**

in Leveld, EChiy-Value Pair Can trasent a Trascence. Here’s will nexamle of How Her Work:


Transation screts51222222209999955555555

transtionityype 11

transcendtata line’s.


The willraw_ry_Is settrato Newsction News” and woe, and the xaluue Is Striting Reestist Reest the Transing book.

5.*indexing Transtions: Leveldlers An Index (Tin The Index Contains a Mapping of Raw Keys to Ther Corresponding Valies in the Database.

in Conclusion, Level Provices a Fleicist and Eficicion to the Way to the Store stotcoin Data Using Using Key-Value Pairs. By the Lnderstanding gay-value Pairrs in Levendb, You Can Manager Manasgeyege Your Bitcoin Data and Pertorm Various on Ours.

ethereum happens


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