Ethereum: gcminer with ATIRADEON HD3600 on ubuntu 12.04 64bit headless won’t detect GPU

Ethereum mining with CGMIiner and attiradeon HD3600 on Ubuntu 12.04: headless headless will not detect GPU

For Ethereum mining, headless setting can be a special challenge for intense resources tasks, such as limited resources available for the use of graphic treatment (GPU). However, the following popular guide for the Mining Reddit Community, it can be a good starting point for the start of the cryptocurrency of the cryptocurrency on the Ubuntu 12.04 server.

The question is that at the HD3600 atonson, the popular Asic (application specific integrated circle) is a miner used in the Ethereum mining, it seems that it is not properly discovered by setting 64 on Ubuntu 12.04 as a headless system. -Ninux bit version.

In this article, we examine the possible causes behind the problem and take some steps to solve the problem to solve it.

Why won’t the CGMIiner discover at the HD3600 GPU?

CGMINER is a popular mining software that can be used for mining of different cryptocurrencies. In this case, however, the athety HD3600 does not seem to disclose the CGMIiner. There are many possible reasons for this:

  • ATERATE HD3600 Problems with driver

    : driver at the Athetian HD3600 is not compatible with Linux kernel or not properly installed on his system.

  • ** CGMIER configuration problems: CGMIiner configuration method may be caused by detecting at the athetic HD3600 GPU.

  • GPU -t CGMIner did not disclose CGMIER **: CGMIiner can try to detect GPU, but it can’t do it and lead to an error message or without output.

Solving Steps

Follow these steps to solve the problem:

  • Check the driver’s installation at the Atheidon HD3600 : Make surely installed an appropriate driver at the Atheidon HD3600 GPU.

  • Check the CGMIER configuration : check the CGMIER configuration file (usually in /etc/cgminer/cgminer.conf) to make sure the GPU is properly detected and configured.

  • Try other mining software : If you have tried other mining software, such as Easyminer or mininggate, make sure at the HD3600 GPU ATTERE.

More steps to set up headless

In order for the headless setting to work, the CGMIner must configure the athetyeon HD3600 GPU, even if it does not start Gui. This is achieved by installing a Cron assignment or using a systemic service to start a CGMIiner in the background.

Example of configuration file



Set GPU type and model

Gpu = attiradeon HD3600

Set GPU voltage (set to 1.2 V to at the athety HD3600)

Voltage = 1.2

Set the speed of the hour of your GPU (placed on 24000 MHz for Atheidon HD3600)

Sat_speed = 24000



As they follow the Reddit mining guide, it may be a good starting point, it seems that CGMIER and Athedaeon HD3600 play with headless settings on Ubuntu 12.04. Exploring the possible causes behind the problem and trying to try some steps to solve the problem, you can solve the problem.

Remember to check the installation of the GPU driver, CGMIiner configurations and system service settings (if necessary) before continuing further examination. If you continue to experience the problem after you have tried these steps, there are probably other factors that need to be resolved.

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