Ethereum: How can I get my Tron(TRC20) Address from my Binance Account vie API using Python

I offer you a way to get your tronds (TRC20) next to your binance account API using published publications.

If you want to get your trond donations, you will contact Binance directors and ask how to repeat them. Processing specifications or API parameters may be uninhabited.

Tot is said here is an example of “RQUESTS” library in sorrow python to get a request for them binance API and get your trondus:


to import proposals

Def Get_tron_addresss (binnance_api_url):

Answer = Request.get (Binnance_API_url + '/API/V3/0x/Owner')

If the answer.Status_code == 200:

Data = reaction.json ()

Tron_address = Data ['Accounts'] [0] [Adddress']]

taxa throne_address


Print ("Failed Retreat Tronds")

do not return

Ethereum: How can I get my Tron(TRC20) Address from my Binance Account vie API using Python

Replace with your Binance API URL and Accounting Address

binance_aper_url = "

Account_address = "0x ... Your_account_address ..."

throne_address = get_tron_address (binance_aper_url + "/around/v3 accounts/0x/" + account_address)

If the throne_address:

Print ("Your Tron


Print ("Failed Retreat Tronds")


Poles notes that you online online for your API credentials or sensine information popposition. Also, be aware of the deadlines and conditions from Binance API, putting it without limit or terminating your account.

In addition to this code assumes that there isGet_tron_address. Iifi is not sure there is a Binance API response structure, you will be able to make your own house.

metamask without web3


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