An Overview of the Privacy Features in Monero and Zcash

Overview of confidentiality features in Monero and Zcash

In recent years, two popular cryptocurrencies have highlighted considerable attention to their robust confidentiality characteristics: Monero (XMR) and ZCASH (ZEC). The aim of these altcoins is to provide users with a safe and private way of transmitting digital assets online. In this article, we will dive into the technical aspects of these cryptocurrencies focused on confidentiality and examine what distinguishes them.

What is the confidentiality of the cryptomen?

The confidentiality of the cryptocurrency concerns the possibility of performing transactions without monitoring or registered without having to detect personal information, such as addresses, identity or transaction amounts. This is achieved thanks to various cryptographic techniques that mask transactions by being associated with the user’s identity.

Monero (XMR)

Monero is one of the most famous cryptomen saint. Its main innovation consists in using the signatures of the circle and management of private keys. This is how it works:

1 Each user has a few signatures of the ring, allowing them to create complex transactions without revealing their identity.

  • Private keys: Users must generate private keys that have a specific number of bits (generally 2048) to create these ring signatures. Private keys are used to unlock the relevant public keys and participate in transactions.

  • Encryption: Using advanced encryption techniques such as X11 and XRPCH (circular private chain) to encrypt transaction data. This ensures that even if the authorities or malicious actors capture encrypted data, they will not be able to link it to the user’s identity.

zcash (ZEC)

Zcash receives another approach using a concept called “Z-ADDRESS”. These are public addresses with specific characteristics that complain about the authorities to be linked to individual users. This is how zcash works:

  • Z-ADDRESS: ZCASH uses the addresses of Z that consist of 20 bytes and have a unique pattern. Each of the ADRsa has a different prefix, suffix and length, which makes it impossible to guess the owner.

  • Private keys: similar to Monero, Zcash relies on private keys when unlocking transactions. However, unlike Monero’s annular signatures, Zcash uses “pairs of private keys” that are used to generate both public and private keys.

Comparison and key meals

Although Monero and Zcash is aimed to provide anonymity levels, there are remarkable differences:

Encryption: Signatures Monero Ring are more complex than Zcash Z addresses, making them potentially safer.

Message of private keys: Two currencies must safely manage private keys. However, Monero uses Ring and Zcash Signatures uses private keys for this purpose.

Development: Monero has a larger block remuneration structure, which means that it can put more transactions on the block compared to ZCASH.


An Overview of the Privacy Features in Monero and Zcash

Monero and Zcash are two significant cryptocurrencies that prefer users’ confidentiality. Their innovative approaches to cryptography and management of private keys have aroused significant interest in cryptomen space. Although these two currencies share certain similarities, their unique features distinguish them from other parts.

While the world of cryptocurrencies is constantly evolving, it will be exciting to see how these two pieces focus on adapting and improving privacy over time. Finally, users must carefully assess their own security needs and choose a part that is in line with their values ​​when choosing a digital currency.


  • Monero White Lapaper: [

  • Zcash White Lapaper: [


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