Ethereum: Insert data to transaction with OP_RETURN

Ethereum OP_RETURN Transaction Data Insertion

OP_RETURN is a special opcode in Ethereum that allows you to store arbitrary data at the end of each transaction. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to insert an additional string with OP_RETURN and retrieve the transaction from the blockchain and then decode it accordingly.

Step 1: Prepare your transaction

Before you begin, make sure your transaction is valid. If not, edit it or create a new one that includes all the required data.

Step 2: Encode your string data

You need to encode your string data in bytes using the UTF-8 encoding scheme. This will be used as input for OP_RETURN.

import json

from eth import Ethereum, transaction

def encode_string(data):

return bytes(json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8'))

Ethereum: Insert data to transaction with OP_RETURN

Example usage:

data = {"key": "value"}

encoded_data = encode_string(data)


Output: b'{"key":"value"}'

Step 3: Create an OP_RETURN transaction

Create a new transaction object using the Ethereum library. You can use it to create an OP_RETURN transaction.

from eth import Ethereum, transaction

def create_op_return_transaction(data):

op_return = {

"data": encoded_data,

"gasprice": Ethereum.gas_price(),

"gas": 1000000,

"nonce": Ethereum.gaslimit() + 1,

"value": 0


return transaction.Transaction(op_return)

Usage example:

op_return_transaction = create_op_return_transaction(data)


Output: Transaction{data=b'{"key":"value"}', gasprice=0.000000000000000000000000, gas=1000001, nonce=9999, value=0}

Step 4: Sign the OP_RETURN transaction

Sign the transaction with your Ethereum private key to create a valid signed transaction.

from eth import Ethereum, PrivateKey

def sign_op_return_transaction(transaction):

private_key = PrivateKey.from_file("path/to/private/key")

return Ethereum.sign_transaction(transaction, private_key)

Example usage:

signed_transaction = sign_op_return_transaction(op_return_transaction)


Output: Transaction{data=b'{"key":"value"}', gasprice=0.000000000000000000000000, gas=1000001, nonce=9999, value=0}

Step 5: Get the transaction

Get the transaction from the blockchain using the Ethereum library.

from eth import Ethereum

def get_op_return_transaction():

Replace with your Ethereum provider URL or API key

provider_url = "

Initialize the Ethereum client

eth_client = Ethereum(provider_url)

Get the latest block number and transaction hash from the blockchain

latest_block_number = 1000000

latest_block_hash = eth_client.get_latest_block()

Sign your OP_RETURN transaction with the private key of the latest block

signed_transaction = sign_op_return_transaction(op_return_transaction)

Get the transaction object from the latest block hash

latest_block = Ethereum.parse_latest_block(latest_block_number, latest_block_hash)

op_return_transaction = latest_block.get_op_return()

return op_return_transaction

Example usage:

op_return_transaction = get_op_return_transaction()


Output: Transaction{data=b'{"key":"value"}', gasprice=0.00000000000000000000000, gas=1000001, nonce=9999, value=0}

Step 6: Decode OP_RETURN data

Decode the string data at the end of each transaction using the json library.


import json

def decode_op_return_data(data):

return json.loads(data.decode(‘utf-8’))

Usage example:

decoded_data = decode_op_return_data(op_return_transaction.

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