Ethereum: block.timestamp: will my function possibly fail?

Ethereum: Getting Functionality After 24 Hours with block.timestamp

As an Ethereum developer, you’re probably familiar with the block.timestamp property, which records the current timestamp in seconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z). However, getting functionality after exactly 24 hours can be a bit trickier. In this article, we’ll explore how to use block.timestamp and other methods to delay the execution of your function for up to 24 hours.

What happens when you call block.timestamp?

When you call block.timestamp, it returns the timestamp of the last block in the current chain (or the first block if there are no blocks). This value represents the point in time at which the current block was mined. For example, if the current timestamp is 1643723400, that means the last block was mined approximately 24 hours ago.

Using block.timestamp to delay function execution

Ethereum: block.timestamp: will my function possibly fail?

To delay your function execution for up to 24 hours, you can use a combination of block.timestamp and other methods. Here are a few approaches:

1. Using await contract.methods.delay()

One way to achieve this is by using the delay() function provided by the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) runtime. This function takes two arguments: timestamp and duration. The timestamp specifies when your function should start executing, and the duration specifies how long it should take to execute.

contract.methods.delay(1643723400, 86400).call();

In this example:

  • 1643723400 is the current timestamp.
  • 86400 represents a period of 24 hours (1 day).

*2. Using block.timestamp + duration 1000

Another approach is to use block.timestamp and add a certain number of seconds multiplied by 1000 (to convert milliseconds to seconds). This will give you the desired delay.

const timestamp = block.timestamp;

console.log(timestamp + 86400 * 1000); // Output: current timestamp plus 24 hours

3. Using a scheduling library or API

If you need more precise control over your delays, you can use libraries like node-scheduling or APIs like [Ethereum Gas Station]( These services provide features for scheduling tasks with varying durations.

Usage example: Delaying function execution by 24 hours

Here is an example of how you can delay the execution of your function using a combination of contract.methods.delay() and a scheduling library:

const contract = new ethers.Contract('0x...your-contract-address...', {

delay: async (timestamp, duration) => {

// Simulate some work being done

await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10000));

return timestamp + duration * 1000; // Convert seconds to milliseconds



// Call the method with the desired delay

contract.methods.delay(1643723400, 86400).call();

In this example, contract.methods.delay() is used to delay the execution of your function for exactly 24 hours.


Achieving functionality after 24 hours using block.timestamp requires careful consideration of the available methods and their limitations. By combining these approaches with a scheduling library or API, you can create robust and efficient solutions for your use cases. Remember to always double-check the required timestamp values ​​and durations to ensure compatibility with your target Ethereum network.



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