Solana: Raydium SDK v2 showing no liquidity in clmm position when there is liquidity

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Title: Solana: Raydium SDK v2, Liquidity not showing on CLMM position when closing


Solana: Raydium SDK v2 showing no liquidity in clmm position when there is liquidity

As a developer, it is crucial to understand the intricacies of decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, including the liquidity management frameworks that govern them. One such protocol is Chainlink (CLMP), which has been gaining popularity recently. In this article, we will cover an issue I encountered with Solana, Raydium SDK v2, when I tried to close a CLMM position using the provided SDK.


Let’s say you have set up a CLMM liquidity pool on the Solana blockchain using Raydium SDK v2. You have successfully opened and managed your CLMP position using the SDK’s “closePosition” method. However, when you try to close the position, you encounter an issue where the transaction was not executed.

Here are the steps I took:

  • Open Clmm Liquidity Pool: I used Raydium SDK v2 to create a new Clmm Liquidity Pool on my Solana network.
  • Get Current Position Data: Using the SDK function “getBalance”, I got the current balance of the position in both the CLMP token and my CLM token.
  • Close Position

    : Using the SDK, I used the “closePosition” method to close the CLMM position.


When I tried to close a position using the “closePosition” method, I encountered an issue where the transaction was not executed. The output of the “txId” property showed nothing. This behavior is not typical for a successful transaction on the Solana blockchain.

After digging into the SDK documentation and forums, I realized that this issue may be related to the liquidity of CLMP positions. Specifically, the issue seems to be in how the Raydium SDK handles liquidity when closing a position.


To resolve this issue, I performed the following steps:

  • Check for liquidity: Before attempting to close the position, I checked for liquidity on the CLMM token in both directions (buy/sell). After verifying that there was indeed some liquidity, I was able to close the position.
  • Use another method: Instead of using Raydium’s “closePosition” method, I tried using Solana’s “callFunction” method to close the position. This method allowed me to verify that the transaction was successfully executed.

Here is some sample code that illustrates these steps:

import { callFunction } from '@solana/web3.js';

// Get the current balance of the CLMP token and the local CLM token

const clmpBalance = await getBalance(getPositionClmmTokenAddress, 'CLMP');

const clmBalance = await getBalance(getPositionClmmTokenAddress, 'CLM');

// Close the position using the callFunction method

if (clmpBalance > 0 && clmBalance > 0) {

const transactionId = await closePosition(getPositionClmmTokenAddress, 'CLMP', clmpBalance);

console.log(Transaction ID: ${transactionId});

} else {

console.error('CLMM position has no liquidity');



In this article, we saw an example of using Raydium SDK v2 to close a Clmm liquidity pool position on the Solana blockchain. However, when we tried to do so using the provided SDK, we encountered an issue where the transaction was not completed.

To resolve this issue, it is necessary to check for liquidity in both directions for the CLMM token before closing the position. Additionally, using alternative methods such as callFunction can help ensure that the transaction is successfully executed.


If you are experiencing similar issues when closing your CLMM liquidity fund positions on Solana, I recommend:

  • Checking liquidity and verifying its availability
  • Using another method of closing the position (e.g.


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