Ethereum: Binance API Python – How to use a specific output

Ethereum Binance API Python: How to Extract Specific Output

As a developer of automated trading bots, you’re likely familiar with the importance of accurate and reliable data. In this article, we’ll explore how to use the Binance API in Python to extract specific output from your bot’s orders.


Before diving into the code, make sure you have:

  • A Binance API account (free plan available)

  • The requests library installed (pip install requests)

  • The necessary credentials for your Binance API account

Code Example: Extracting Specific Order Output

Here’s an example of how to extract specific order output from the Binance API using Python:

import requests

Ethereum: Binance API Python - How to use a specific output

Set up your Binance API credentials



Set up the endpoint for retrieving order details

endpoint = f'

Define the specific output you want to extract (e.g. orderId and clientOrderId)

output_key = ['orderId', 'clientOrderId']

def get_order_details(symbol):

Set up the API request parameters

params = {

'symbol': symbol,

'limit': 1


Make the API request

response = requests.get(endpoint, headers={'API-Key': API_KEY, 'API-Secret': API_SECRET}, params=params)

Check if the response was successful

if response.status_code == 200:

Parse the JSON response

data = response.json()

Extract and return the specific output values

for key in output_key:

result = data.get(key)

print(f'{key}: {result}')


print(f'Error: {response.text}')

Example usage

symbol = 'BNBBTC'



In this code example, we’re setting up a function get_order_details that takes the symbol of the order you want to retrieve details for as an argument. We’re using the requests library to send a GET request to the Binance API endpoint with parameters specific to the order you specified.

The response from the API is parsed as JSON and then iterated over, extracting each output value. In this example, we’re interested in the orderId and clientOrderId, so we print these values ​​after extracting them from the JSON data.

Tips and Variations

  • To retrieve more or less information, adjust the parameter to limit the number of orders retrieved.

  • You can also use other API endpoints, such as GET /api/v3/order/{orderId} to retrieve a specific order’s details.

  • Be sure to replace the placeholders (YOUR_API_KEY and YOUR_API_SECRET) with your actual Binance API credentials.

Additional Resources

For more information on the Binance API and retrieving specific orders, visit the [Binance API documentation](

By following this example and using the Binance API in Python, you’ll be able to efficiently extract specific order output from your automated trading bot. Happy coding!

exploring autonomous financial


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